Thursday, November 8, 2012

'Ello from Bend Oregon!

After all that dry heat in Arizona I thought it might be a great idea to head back North again.  This time I stopped off in Bend Oregon!
Turned out to be one of the most awesome ideas I've had in forever!   You wouldn't believe this place Ella, the card I sent has a picture a pool I found to relax in... a POOL!  I was living like a Roman Senator!  The place was called McMenamins Old St. Francis School.  Wish YOUR school was like this one Ella!  It unfortunately isn't a school anymore, its a Hotel, which is almost better because here you can fall asleep and not get in any trouble.
Turns out these pools are saltwater, warm, and very soooothing for bear bones that have been on the road for a few months. 

Once again your Minion... I mean Daddy was able to send me these pictures back of you getting the card.  Your still rocking those glasses!

I'm so happy to hear your still enjoying getting my letters.  Your Daddy tells me that you ask daily if the mail man has come by for you yet.  Don't you worry my little Princess... I've got lots of travelin left to do! 
Catch you at my next stop!
~White Bear

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