Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hola from Lake Tahoe California!


Wow, and I thought all the other places where beautiful. This place is absolutely fab! The water is fresh and clear and doesn't leave any unwanted film on my toes when I take dips! And fish! I'm becoming a big fan of fish lately and this place has got em.


With fish names like Lahontan Cutthroat Trout and Volcano Creek Golden Trout you would think these things would be able to take my head off! Actually they could! But I've made a lot of new buddy's here that catch them for me and cook them up good and proper.
And any place that has Gold Mines rates up there with me.  Unfortunately I didn't strike it rich this time.


Also a few weeks back I stopped in on Ella's Aunt Donna over yonder in Connecticut. Had a ball playing with her bald cats! They are called sphinx cats, but they sure don't look like that thing in Egypt (I'll have to make my way over there someday). Nope, these kitties are all skin and whiskers but make much better friends then those fiendish Husky Pups that got me into so much trouble.


Ella's Daddy grabbed the video camera this time when she went to check the mail. Looks like they where on their way to Ballet Class. She did have a question that I'm more then happy to answer though:

Ella: "Do you like the Water and the Fish?"

WB: "You betcha! You should see me water ski! So much to do here AND yes those fish sure are tasty even with monster names like Lahontan Cutthroat Trout! Didn't see any of those fishes carrying any switchblades so perhaps they where having an off day."

Welp! I've gotta grin and Bear it and be off on my way again! Love yah Ella! Big Smooches!

~White Bear

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