Monday, September 17, 2012

A little background from White Bear.

Dave and "Frog" 1974
Many moons ago there was a little boy named Dave. Dave had a stuffed frog which he named "Frog". Not "Green Frog" or anything remotely creative. Nope, Dave was a steak and potatoes sort of kid, so the stuffed Frog was just named "Frog".
Frog went everywhere with Dave. He traveled from Philadelphia to Detroit and back again many times as he visited his Grandparents and other family. Frog and Dave where inseparable. Dave knew every stitch, every frayed plushy bit of Frog and they where Best of Friends. They shared dreams of someday becoming Astronauts, or Firemen, or becoming the next Evel Knievel.
Which is why Dave took Frog to Disney World in 1975.
After a late night of partying with Goofy, Donald and Peter Pan; Dave woke up in a Hotel Room and turned to give Frog a hug... except Frog wasn't there.
He looked under each bed, he looked in the bathroom, the hallway, under the desk. Dave (and his frantic Parents) looked everywhere they could think of, but Frog was gone. No trace, no explanation. Dave lost his Best Friend and was taken kicking and screaming back to Michigan without his Frog.
Dave's Parents tried as best as they could to soften the blow. They even tried to pass off a different stuffed frog as "Frog". But Dave was on to them. He knew an imposter when he saw one and he banished that lame faker frog up on the tallest shelf he could reach.
38 years later Dave has a daughter of his own, and as I, White Bear, snuck away and out of Ella’s backpack I already knew how Dave would take it.  This is why I called him that afternoon to assure him I wasn’t just taking off to woop it up with Tinkerbell for the rest of my days.  I had bigger plans then that letch “Frog”.
I promised I’d write back to my Best Friend Ella from every place I visited.  I knew I was born to be a Traveling Bear since that first day I peeked out of that box as I sailed across the sea from a wonderful place called China.  I wanted to see those places I spied from the bouncy delivery truck again, to smell those flowers and feel the blades of blue grass under my plushy toes!
My sweet Ella, I miss you so, and I know you understand.  You’ll always be the filling in my heart.
~White Bear

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