Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hey there from Elkhorn Wisconsin!

Boy, fall asleep for a few hours in the back of a Greyhound Bus and look where it gets you!  Hey there from Elkhorn Wisconsin!


Much more Polar Bear friendly weather here. At first I thought I was back in Michigan but the smell of Cheese in the air soon set me straight. YUM!  Did you know that Elkhorn got its name from some old fella named Colonel Phoenix who happened to see Elk Antlers hanging from a tree? Ella's Daddy must be related to him somehow judging for his knack of naming important things like City's and Stuffed Animals.

According to Ella’s Daddy, Ella just knew there was something waiting for her in the Mailbox.  She even brought “Biscuit” with her to check it out.


I got to know “Biscuit” pretty well over the year or so I spent on the stuffy chair.  Nice enough doggy but he got a pretty big ego after Ella picked him as her Go-To-Guy for bedtime snuggles.  He always got the choice spot right on the pillow.

Hah!  Who is she snuggling now “Biscuit”!  That’s right!  My postcard!  Booyah!

I had a great time here in Wisconsin.  The family I got to shack up with had 4… yes 4 boys to play around with!  Got to watch lots of Star Wars and talk about poop all day long! 

Anyhow, heading into town to see if I can hitch a lift. I think the Greyhound station was on to me when they caught me trying to crawl into some Lady’s purse on the last leg of my trip…

Keep it real!
~White Bear

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