Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hello from Alaska!

Wowser what a trip!  First off my Pixie trap didn’t work well at all in Harpers Ferry.  I ended up making one of those Park Rangers really mad when he got a splinter trying to dismantle it.  He ended up putting me in a crate and shipping me up to Alaska thinking I was a Polar Bear trying to get home!


Fortunately once I got to Alaska the Park Rangers there realized the error and set me free after I refused to eat raw meat and insisted on M&M’s.  I mean really… look at me.  I’m maybe 6 inches tall with a red bowtie!

Overall it’s much MUCH cooler up here.  Very comfy but I imagine I’d want to winter somewhere farther south.  Somewhere with a pool and lots of milk to drink to wash down these M&M’s.  Walking thru town I came across some doggies that are just about my size and thought I was a chew toy.  I managed to barely escape but I did find a picture of these ferocious beasts to send to Ella.  Beware Ella!  These things could take off a button eye without even blinking if you gave them time! 


Word back from Ella’s daddy is that she has started to make a bee-line to the Mailbox every time they get home from school.  In this picture it looks like the gears are turning in her head on how she can get over to the front of the box to open it herself.


In this picture I was told she just about turned herself inside out trying to get the postcard out of her Daddy’s hand just to be sure it was from me!


Ahhhh, never gets old seeing her cuddle up to one of my cards! 

Welp!  I better wrap this up before those puppies find me again.  Hmm… on second thought I bet I could somehow capture them, then lash those doggies together and hook them onto a sled like Ella had!  Hah!  I’m so smart!  With their harnessed energy I bet I could make it all the way down to the warm weather again by next week!

Catcha on the flip side!

~White Bear

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